About Us.

how we began | it began with a common interest - clothing, fashion, and all things involving stylizing.  as vibrant 9th graders, we bonded over things like fashion faux pas, the latest and greatest selena gomez song, and most importantly, our desire to do something with our love of fashion. after months of prep + designing, we finally decided on brittany and samantha: the blog and in june of 2014, at the end of our sophomore year, we went live. 

how we've evolved | when the first post went live, our blog resembled that of a teenager's photo wall: a bit eclectic, sort of rough around the edges, and a bit thrown together.  a few diy's here and there, many outfit photos with poor photo quality, monthly favorites, and of course, odd little tidbits from our day to day lives. when the summer concluded, we had a mish-mash of posts. relaunching for the summer of 2015, we've cleaned up a bit. more subdued with a cleaner design, we want our site resemble our desire for quality.

so, welcome. we are so glad you chose to visit our little corner of the internet. 
feel free to browse as long as you like!

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b r i t t a n y            |            s a m a n t h a  


  1. Fabulous picture ladies! I'm excited for your blog! -Valentina :)
