ring and earring box

This project has been on the to-do list for months, and I finally rounded up the materials and made it. This is the best way to store slim rings and studs in a classy and simple display.  The materials are cheap, and it's quick and fun to put together.  Enjoy!

you need:
a shallow box
felt of any color
thin fabric
hot glue

how to
measure your boxes width.

cut rectangles this width that fit into the box.

roll the rectangles into logs and glue these into place.

add the thin fabric over the rolls, using a ruler to push the fabric in the gaps.

add glue to tack into place.

pop in your rings and earrings in and viola.

I left a section with no rolls for bigger earrings and rings.

my accessory drawer.

I love how this looks and works, and I already had all the materials laying around the house.  It looks like something a boutique would use, and it's incredibly functional.

xx Samantha


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