the day i tidied

there's been a lot of buzz lately around the subject of tidying. more specifically, the method talked about in  the new york times best seller the life changing magic of tidying up by marie kondo. coming from someone who is neat but not necessarily tidy, i knew that this book would be a good summer read.  during our trip to maine, i picked up & devoured all of its contents. the method highlighted in the book is tried and true, and is based solely on the question, "does this item spark joy?" i was intrigued 3 pages in, i was motivated once the book was finished, and i was impressed with the results when i did it myself. i documented my day of tidying for you all & thought i'd share the clothing side of the process with you as well as highlight a few resources i came across on the internet to help make it easier!

getting it all out

in her book, kondo really stresses pulling everything out in the categories so that you can fully understand the magnitude of what you own. 
more than any other category, i was blown away by how many tops i had. they covered up half of my bedroom! when i had finished pulling them all out, i took a minute to just take it all in. 
so. much. clothing.

when i pushed it all up against the wall, it still took up over 1/4 of the floor!

getting rid of things has never been hard for me, so it took me a little over an hour to get through all of my tops. 
i got rid of more than half of what i started with & it was a gorgeous feeling putting them into that black trash bag! 

i continued to get rid of things following this handy outline.

the beginning

the middle  /  the end

*side-note: the shoes were definitely the hardest to go through & what i got rid of the least. 
i suppose they've always been a joy spot for me. 

fold it the right way! 

when i read the book, the whole section on folding really confused me. the way she described it was not enough to get me to fold things right. after browsing the internet for a while, i stumbled across this site with gifs that was quick & easy & didn't require a buffering wait. 

putting it all away 

this was the funnest part! 
it's all about finding ways to maximize the space you have. 
a few key things to note: 
*upright storage is better than stacking storage
*keep out-of-season clothing with your in-season clothing
-helps you understand how much you own all the time
-saves time at the beginning of a new season

the accessory drawer:
separated earrings & necklaces using variously sized cardboard boxes
folded into rectangles, stored upright
one cardboard box, makes each pair easy to find!
*to spruce it up, fabric lined boxes.

the 'extras' drawer:
socks & stockings: cardboard box
underwear, bras, camisoles: stored upright

tops & bottoms:
*separate drawers
both stored upright

hanging items:
collared shirts, skirts, dresses, etc:

it truly was an eye-opening experience

and the best part of it all?
this was a one-and-done event & i shouldn't have to do it again. 
3 cheers for getting things together in one fell swoop!
to those who just feel like they need to get their house / room organized, start the process by reading kondo's book. it truly is a game-changer. 

well, darlings. i'm off to go rest in my room.
it is now my safe haven. 

see you next wednesday!

wondering what i'm up to during the week?
head on over to my instagram to see my whereabouts!


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