paper marbling/why I craft

The moment I saw this video* on marbling paper using shaving cream, I knew I had to give it a go.  I adore the way marbled paper looks, and wanted to try a new method I had never heard of. 

So I picked up shaving cream from the dollar store, and rounded up the rest of the materials from around the house.  I'm not going to give a full tutorial, as the video beautifully shows everything you need to know, but here are some of my process shots. 

 But what about the results? Well.  Here's the thing- the papers ended up smudged and messy, probably due to the years old paint I used.  I'm probably going to chuck the project in the bin.  But that's the thing with doing it yourself and creating something- it might not even work.  However, I'm all about the process, not the product.  If you create solely focused on the end product, you will never be happy making anything.  Handmade is never perfect- and if you're just in it for results, well it's going to be disappointing.

I loved shooting out the crazy shaving cream, plopping in paints and swirling designs together.  I loved making a bit of a mess, acting like a kid mixing colors and pulling out shaving cream covered papers from the frothy foam.

I had fun.

And that's what crafts are all about.

Sure, the end result is a badge of completion, a trophy of conquering a new talent or art, but if you didn't enjoying making it or stressed every detail, well then what's the fun in that.  It's just like how kids make crafts.  Three year olds do not contemplate which color to use, they just grab a crayon and start scribbling, adding stickers if they want, ignoring lines and sometimes the boundries of the paper.

So make something.  Enjoy the process.  And who cares what the results look like.

(can you tell I've never been a perfectionist?)



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