i like loving a lot of things / this weeks love list

blogged while listening to my discover playlist
aaaand i'm back!
a week in paradise was no where near long enough. the 7 days flew by & by the end, i was filled, refreshed, and yet wanting more of the sea & sunshine. I suppose there's always next year [but i really don't want to wait 365 to see the ocean again. i suppose i'll have to do something about that.] the last few days have been spent unpacking, doing laundry, cleaning the house from the post-trip craziness, and packing my bags [again] for a trip we're taking to maine. the next couple of weeks are a little nuts. hello scheduled posts? anyways, i thought i'd share a few things that are on my radar this week.

on my radar this week

one | covet
i can thank samantha for this one. it's an amazing app that doesn't require inn-app purchasing. it mostly consists of buying clothes & styling them for challenges. perfect for anyone with a love for fashion. also for anyone with wifi & too much time on their hands. highly reccomended. just don't be surprised when it's been an hour and you haven't exited out. yes. it's that addicting.

two | the unique connection
this video is a little older, but i still can't get enough of it. how cool is it that the kids know exactly who their mom is?

three | tyler knott gregson 
i have a huge weakness for free-verse poetry. he just released a book, chasers of light, but his typewriter series has really been hitting home for me; sometimes, it's unbelievable how universal some feelings are. check him out. you'll probably identify.

four | the astronauts wives club
this was on my "beach essentials list" and it's on my favorites list too. super easy nonfiction, perfect for summer, and you'll feel much more educated about all things nasa upon the closing page. plus, they're basically all jackie o. status, sans the name recognition.

five | unplugged
i've been making an effort to spend "me-time" with things i can be artistic with. i've written more than i have in months & i spent an hour and a half today painting. just painting, just writing; it's crazy how refreshing it is to ditch electronics for a little while every day. do it, guys. you won't regret it!

Happy Wednesday!


head on over to my instagram to see a whoooole lot of snaps. 


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