purple ombre

Oh, the joys of a black and white blog.  

I've always had a thing for purple hair.  There's something so alluring about it, something wild yet lovely.  I had been throwing the idea of purple tipped hair around for the better part of a year, and as summer approached I seized the day.  

I'm not a pro, in any way.  I prepped for this like I do for anything- watching a ton of other not-pros' youtube videos and cherry picking out methods, ideas, and tips to figure it out for myself.  It's just how I roll.

The main goal of the purple tips was to be rebellious but still safe- work doesn't condone colored hair, so I had to be able to tuck up the dyed sections under my ball cap.  I could go about 4 inches up, which was plenty for me to achieve the look I desired.  I've actually had the dye for months, but I timed the dying to right before I left for vacation so I didn't have to worry about work and could flash my bucket-list-purple hair.

I had tried just applying the semi-permanent dye right on my natural hair last year, but it didn't stick at all, so I knew I'd need to lighten my hair before adding lavender.  So I popped into Sally's Beauty one day, and a very helpful clerk advised me on exactly what I needed to get, and gave me some tips on purple hair (cold water will help keep the color vibrant, and she also advised mixing leftover semiperm dye into your daily conditioner if you want to boost the color.)  She had previously sported lavender hair and clearly knew what she was talking about, so I purchased what she recommended (this whole project cost about $15 total- not bad!) 
what I used:

step one: I bleached the tips of my hair according to the directions on the bleach.  I should have left it in longer than I did, but I always get nervous and rinse it out too soon.

let dry.

mix conditioner with the dye to achieve the color you want (air a bit darker-it'll fade/wash out lighter) and apply on to dry hair.  I let this sit for 45 minutes while watching tv.

I put foil over the dye to avoid getting it all over the place.

I rinsed out the dye with cold water and there you go, purple hair!

As I write this, it's been about two weeks since I dyed my hair and there is very little trace of purple left.  My hair is notorious for not doing anything other than what it wants to do (be completely straight and un-curl-able, and apparently stay brown).  However, I did get to check purple hair off the bucket list- maybe not permanently though ;) I may be tempted to revisit the shade.... Also, my hair does not feel damaged at all from the lightening products, however I've always had very healthy hair (I rarely use heat) that if treated properly, looks and feels very smooth.

Oh, you want to see color photos of my colored hair?  I might be able to provide some evidence... (click here)



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