5 things to do before summer ends

it's that time of year.
and by that time of year, i don't mean it's christmas time. it's "that time of year" when school supplies are being bought, summer scrapbooks are being made, and students are enjoying their last few days of netflix binge watching. for me, i like to do a lot of "summer-only" things to commemorate the freedom that i've had. whether that be a few hours here and there or adventuring for days on end, i like to do do do the last few days of summer. so, here. 5 things for you to do before summer ends to celebrate the last few months you've had.

road trip 

*pick someplace you've never been
*document every memory maker, stop, food eaten, etc.

it doesn't need to be 7 hours away to be a road trip. pick a spot a few hours away, stop when you feel like it, and explore the final destination to your hearts content.

don't forget to document it! these last few weeks are some that you will never forget. make sure you don't by taking lots of pictures.

road trip playlists:
evening chill // indie chill >> covers // weekend buzz

make a homemade slip & slide

these are so much fun. period. as a kid, i loved using a slip and slide for days on end. unfortunately, the toys r us versions of slip & slide are now a bit too small for my friends and i to play on. REST ASSURED...there's a solution: make your own! it can be as easy as grabbing a tarp and a hose or you can make it as ornate as grabbing vinyl, bringing ito the beach, and making it so you slide into the ocean. either way, you'll laugh and tumble and get dirty. how utterly perfect!
*ideas here
*if you don't want to use water, check this paint slip & slide out!

watch a beach-sunset / stargaze

there are two things that are summer must-do's for me: the beach & stargazing. what better way to celebrate summer's end then marrying the two? i had the privilege of watching the sun dip behind the horizon line & beholding the appearance of a million tiny stars. with the crash of the waves & good company, it was the most wonderful thing to experience. you should too!

*blankets are a must; beach breezes tend to become arctic winds at about 9pm


there is truly nothing like gathering round a roaring flame & watching it crackle with your friends.
it's really the perfect night-time activity!

*for best results: s'mores & lots of people
*try these out
*additional memory-makers: sparklers / polaroids / lanterns

walk somewhere

some of the highlights so far this summer have revolved around just walking with people that i love. i toured my own town and ended up finding a bunch of gorgeous little nature outlets to enjoy. take lefts, take rights, just go. take pictures of your destination!

in the name of summer, experience life around you. 

it's zesty & full & changes often. put your phone down, power off your computer, and savor the last few months of the warm season. 
happy wednesday!

you can find me this week on instagram


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