thrift shop

I love the thrift shop.

I am the queen of bargain shopping, and the thrift shop is undoubtably the best place to pick up pieces.

It's like going treasure hunting.  It's overwhelming, but if you do it right, you walk out with some incredible gems.  I've been thrifting for years- and seeing as Monday is National Thrift Shop Day- I thought this would be more than fitting.  Here are my tips & tricks.

find a good store

Every thrift shop is different.  Pricing, selection, and neatness vary even within thrift chains.  The biggest factor is where they get stuff from- I have two Salvation Army stores in my area, but one has way better goods.  Needless to say, aim for the shops with great selection.  There are thrift stores everywhere: check out each in your area to find the best.

Another big point is pricing: I thrift to save money.  Savers may have the best selection in my area, but their prices are double that of my SA.  If I'm going to hunt through racks and racks of rejects, I want my scores to be the best deal I can get.  Also, Savers will price high end items accordingly- sometimes twice the cost of other off brand labels.  My personal favorite, the local Salvation Army, prices Burberry the same as Target.  So when you score, you score big.  Many thrift shops have sale days too- my shop has 50% off Wednesdays.  Ask the staff when you go- they'll let you know of any upcoming deal days.

Neatness is a struggle.  Personally, I don't mind sorting through racks and racks, but some dislike the usual disordered nature of the average thrift shop.  I like it when shops sort by style (tee shirts, sweaters and jeans, for example) and then further sort by color.  Savers tends to hang based off sizes- which brings me to my next tip.

ignore sizes

Small, medium, and large- the meanings, interpretations and actuality change from year to year, brand to brand.  I am a conventional size small, yet I wear mediums, extra smalls and even larges from time to time- don't get boxed in.  If it fits, it fits.

narrow it down

Thrifting can be overwhelming.  But you just need a strategy- I like to target colors.  My wardrobe consists of black, white, gray, and blue, with burgundy added in the cooler months and neons added in the summer.  When shopping, I skip over bright reds (they look awful on me) and prints I don't love, while looking for colors that would compliment my other clothes.  As a DIYer, the style doesn't matter as much as the fabric- I can nip in the corners, cut it shorter or adjust the fit if need be.  But if the color or print isn't great for me or my wardrobe, it's not worth it.  I've found beautiful items that just wouldn't work for my closet that I've had to skip.

be open minded

Don't go looking for something super-specific.  Odds are, you won't find exactly what you came for.  I've been hunting for the perfect fall flannel for a couple of months, but I haven't found the perfect one yet.  In the meantime though, I've found an adorable Nike track jacket for $5, some cute tops, an ugly Hawaiian shirt for Aloha Day at work, and several other goodies.  Enjoy the process, and look through it all.  You never know what hidden gems lurk.

So there's a few of my tips for navigating the sometimes scary world of second hand.  Just go for it- you might not find anything, or hit the mother load.  It's always an adventure- enjoy it!

xx Samantha


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