bottoms up

it's freaking hot out right now.
aaaand cue the violin. 
 in other news, i'm going to complain about how hot it is
no we do not live in california // yes i am grateful s i n c e this is cool comparatively 
yes i will keep on complaining // no i am not sorry

it's 7:20pm & i am sweating, i kid you not, sweating whilst typing this.
it takes no more than the lift of a pinky finger to cause salt to ooze out of my pores. tmi? nah. no such thing. while air conditioning and the pool do a little bit to cool oneself down, they don't keep you hydrated aaand if you're anything like me, this is the cause for a serious dilemma because water is, well, b l a n d and iced coffee dehydrates you more. enter cucumber water.

cucumber water

not pictured: the gorgeously rich pink color of the drink. yes i felt like i was drinking a margarita. 

it is as it sounds. cucumber infused water! seems easy, right? well, for all the lazy ones out there like me, it definitely is. and the health benefits are endless:

the 5 outstanding ones:
-soothes the skin
-makes you hungry
-considered a detox water 
-keeps your muscles strong

*for the lazy ones: this requires no more than 5 minutes of prep time 
*for the picky ones: you can tweak the ingredients to your palates liking; don't feel constrained to the recipe.

strawberry fields
*my favorite recipe to date!
1 gallon water
1 large lemon,  sliced thin or 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 full cucumber, sliced
6 whole strawberries
optional: 3 sprigs of an herb, mint is super yummy & easy to find!

*put all fruit & water in pitcher of choice.
*chill for 6-8 hours for best results. 
for classiest results: drink out of a wine glass

needless to say, i'm a little obsessed

it's wonderfully delicious, crazy easy, and the benefits are endless. 
definite must-have for these last few weeks of summer!


happy drinking!
catch you next wednesday,

wondering what i'm up to in-between now and then?
check out my instagram.


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